Tag Archives: Professional details

PMean: Next stop, BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making

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I’m working part-time on a research grant and I want to publish some of the work I’ve done on this grant. The title of the paper tentatively is “Validating elastic net generated electronic health record breast cancer phenotypes against hospital tumor registries: a case control study.” My co-authors are Dan Connolly and Russ Waitman. I want to summarize the history of the effort so far and why I am considering the BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making as the next place to submit the article. Continue reading

PMean: They want a short biography from me

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I should have titled this page “I’m a Star!” because the School of Medicine’s Marketing and Communications Office is asking me questions to prepare a short biography to highlight the research I’m doing. Actually, that office is talking to over a hundred researchers in the School of Medicine, so I’m not really a star after all. But here are the questions that they started with. I’ll reply by email and they may get more information by email or a face-to-face interview. Makeup! Continue reading

PMean: Another big data publication

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I dislike the term “big data” because it implies a class of problems that are immune from normal statistical considerations. I will admit that certain concepts such as the p-value become meaningless when you have millions of observations. But other concepts, like selection bias become even more important for big data.

Anyway, I now have a second publication that is directly tied to the big data movement. Continue reading

PMean: My research interests in 450 characters or less.

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I am currently looking for a full-time position. I have been part-time since 2008, because of child care issues. That will change in July 2018 when my wife retires. She’s looking forward to retirement, but I’m the sort of person who will leave my office only in a coffin. Anyway, I’ve updated my resume and written statements on teaching philosophy and on research interests. Those are up in a special spot on my blog, but I also wanted to add a blog entry with a recent request to summarize my research interests in 450 characters or less. Good grief! Any worse, and I could post it on Twitter. Anyway here it is. Continue reading

PMean: January talk at KU

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Networking is important, and until recently I have failed to build bridges with some of the very smart people working at the University of Kansas in Lawrence. But I will be giving a colloquium talk to a group (Center for Research Methods and Data Analysis) at KU in January. It may be for a different, but closely related group, but it doesn’t matter. It’s an excuse to get out of the office and meet people. Here’s the tentative title and abstract for my talk and a brief review of some other talks I’ll be giving. Continue reading