There are several classes that I have taught or that I will end up teaching. Most of these are at the University of Missouri-Kansas City (UMKC). I sometimes also give guest lectures for others at UMKC. I also teach an occasional webinar for The Analysis Factor.
Here are links to the latest information about these classes.
UMKC classes
- Introduction to R (MEDB 5505)
- Introduction to SPSS (MEDB 5506)
- Introduction to SAS (MEDB 5507)
- Introduction to SQL (MEDB 5508)
- Clinical Research Methodology (MEDB 5510)
First things first. You cannot just sit in on these class. You must take enroll through the UMKC system. Much of the material that I use for this class is freely available on my website and blog, especially for the R class and I have provided short talks on some of this material for the Kansas City R Users Group. But if you want the entire package, you can only get it through the UMKC system.
What if you are not currently registered as a UMKC student? You can still take these classes, but first you need to sign up as a visiting/community student. It takes about a month or so to process the paperwork for a visiting/community student, so don’t delay. There are some details about this process on the UMKC website. Ignore the section on how the School of Medicine does not allow for visiting/community students. The Department of Biomedical and Health Informatics is a general exception to this restriction, but you need to contact the right people. I can give you their names, but I won’t put their contact information on this page to save them from all the spammers. I have a spam-proof page with my email address if you need to get in touch with me and I will put you in touch with them.
The Analysis Factor
Here are some webinars that I have taught for The Analysis Factor. The video from these talks was saved and may be available for a fee from The Analysis Factor. Because the content of my webinars belongs to The Analysis Factor, I do not provide any information on my blog or website.
- A Gentle Introduction to Bayesian Data Analysis, June 2015.
- Introduction to Kaplan-Meier curves, April 2016.
- Cox regression, September 2016.
- LASSO regression, November 2016.
- Good computing practices for researchers, November 2017
I will be giving talks in the future about transformations for regression models, and equivalence/non-inferiority tests, but I do not have much information yet about these talks.
I will also be teaching a web course on survival models. Details are not yet final, but this class will likely be a series of eight two hour lectures on the web with optional homework assignments and one hour review sessions for these homework assignments and for other questions scheduled shortly after each lecture. The fees for this web course have not been set up yet, but Karen Grace-Martin has generously agreed to let up to three graduate students from our Bioinformatics program at UMKC take this class for free. Thanks Karen!
The web course will take a lot of time to develop, so it may not be ready until the Fall of 2018.
I am teaching two classes, Introduction to R and Introduction to SPSS. These are one semester hour pass/fail classes at UMKC that are available online. Both classes are being offered on a semi-regular basis. Currently they are both available for Fall Semester 2017.
The course number is MEDB 5505 (R) and MEDB 5506 (SPSS). The syllabus for Introduction to SPSS is available at, though I do need to add a few details. The syllabus for Introduction to R is available at and it also needs a few tweaks.
If you are curious about the general outline of this class, you can peek at my handouts and videos. for the R class. I can’t do this for the SPSS class because it relies on handouts and videos developed by Karen Williams. As I transition to material that I have developed (as part of the normal process of updating), I will post them on my website or blog. If you want more details about the SPSS class, please send me an email.
There is a third class, Introduction to SAS that is taught by Mary Gerkovich. If you are interested in this class, send me an email and I can put you in touch with Dr. Gerkovich.
I’ll try to post information about future developments for all of these classes on this page, so bookmark it and check back when you can.