I got in touch with a colleague from my days at Bowling Green State University. That was in the 1980s and my life had changed substantially since those days. While I have many professional biographies (such as this one from 2016), none of them covered the more personal aspects of my life. So here’s a brief biography for anyone who is interested in more than just where I worked. Continue reading
Category Archives: Administrative
PMean: I am now a number in the ORCID database
Life in the world of research is complicated, but it gets worse when you have a relatively common last name like “Simon.” There are thousands of research publications written by a Simon, and narrowing it down to “Simon S” or even “Simon SD” doesn’t seem to help. So how do you quickly identify all the publications that you have written? One way is to apply for a unique identifier from ORCID, an “open, non-profit, community-based effort to provide a registry of unique researcher identifiers and a transparent method of linking research activities and outputs to these identifiers.” Continue reading
PMean: I have turned off the comments feature on all pages
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Resolutions for this blog for 2014
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PMean: You can now register for an account on my blog.
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PMean: Blog is up and ready for testing
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